Photography competition 

Call for Competition:

Call for Photography International Competition on Urban Culture, Natural Resources, Civil, Architecture, Urban Development & Environment.

Photography competition under the same title will be run concurrently with the holding of the 8th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 5th.International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia at the same venue.

Hereby, this is to invite all enthusiasts, artists, amateur and professional photographers to send their pictures relevant to the abovementioned subject to the secretariat of the conference via user control panel.

Contest Rules :

Photos taken with cameras or mobile phones are also accepted.
Contest is held in 2 groups of professional and non-professional.
Photographs shouldn’t be edited by manual modify or software.
Amateur and non-amateur photographs will be examined in separate committees.

Accepted photos by the jury of photography professionals will be published in the following ways :

Accepted Photos gallery in form of CD with name and of owner of photos and distributing it in Conference package gifts
Showing top photos through screens of amphitheater in slides show by providing owner of photo
Dedicate section of amphitheater to accepted and printed photos and showing photos providing specifications of photos owner
Publishing top photos with name of photos owner in Conference website
Accepted photos will be accrued a certification of provide in Conference and to the top photos which declared by jury beside the certification will be accrued memorial and valuable presents.

Registration fees:

_ Registration in the photography competition is similar with registration of papers.
_ if the participated in the Conference have both paper a photo, send and inscription of his photo follow law of paper resend and registration of paper will be full refund.
_ if participant in the Conference be with the manuscript represents and the accepted images will have to register of his picture should be full cost paid and for the registration of papers and receipt certificate of it should use from tariff of attendant of paper providers
_ If participant has more than one accepted works, first registration fee will be full cost and other works will be as same tariff as further works.

Submitting works:

All enthusiasts can send their work through their personal Control Pane to Conference Secretariat. To do this you first need provide a personal account by signing up in website then enter your own page and through menu of participating in photography contest send their works.


Important Dates



Previous Conference Gallery


Kasem Bundit University Gallery